WATCH THIS EVERY MORNING – Best Morning Motivational Speech 2023

I need to curse and we remind myself over and over again I am not yet where I want to be but I know I’ll get there it’s not enough to hope to win one day you’ve got to expect to win today when you set a goal there needs to be a sense of urgency see if we don’t have the courage and that’s what it takes courage it takes guts to do that which you know you need to do if you don’t have the courage to act life many times will move on you and make you act life will whoop your butt so bad you will be so miserable you will catch so much hell you say yes I will do it what do you want me to do take me that dream is not going to work and say take a breather it’s going to say come catch me catch me if you can if only I’d taken the chance they didn’t start a business they didn’t ask that Crush out for a date they didn’t travel they had an opportunity at one point in their life to do something Beyond play it safe they chose not to do that and now they regret it many of us don’t do the things that we want to do and don’t act believe in everything that you are and understand that within you there’s something greater than any obstacle you’ll ever face have faith in your abilities work hard never give up and there’s nothing you can’t accomplish it’s all on you if you fail it’s because you’ll stop running if you fail it’s because you stop run you’ll stop counting you stop working you stop working for that dream they dangled in your face [Music] the gift that God left you don’t be the person don’t forget to open your gift is that tree has everything you needed that dream is the road that will lead to your Paradise regret hurts there’s no question about that but here’s the thing regret also instructs and you can’t have one without the other so if you avoid the pain you don’t get any of the learning so what you have to do is be able to process that pain and I think there’s a way for us to do that to take our regrets use them as signals you my friends I’m [Music] going to complete that marathon and you are going to run for your life not only can you create your life you can as in order to begin to reinvent your life you’ve got to make a conscious deliberate determined effort that you really got to put all of yourself into it there’s nothing going to stop me if you didn’t make me you can’t break me if you didn’t make the song come up you can’t stop me if you didn’t make the moon shine that night you can’t stop me my purpose my will my dedication my motivation is all about doing the business because guess what ladies and gentlemen that’s what I’m about I’m about that business I’m about that life what are you about Flint sounds hard but it’s only hard when you don’t want the reward bad enough when you want something bad enough you will wake up early when you want something bad enough you will pass on hanging out with your friends when you want something bad enough you will not back down you don’t have to prove anything to anyone but yourself [Music] we’ll begin to discover some things about you that you don’t know you’ve got start waiting for your dreams swords your dream because the moment you stop running the moment you stop fighting is the day you will lose go wait for it continue to fight continue to taste of what you truly want out of your life today is here today you’re breathing today is your opportunity work like hell crack the ground and keep moving make the ground shake crack the world get it going don’t let nothing stop you when the rest of the world shuts you down you’ve got to be the one to stand up shout out cry out Stand Tall work hard dig deep and go after it day one or one day you decide I look back sometimes of moments of regrets in my past I wish I have made better decisions in my life I truly do if only I had pushed just a little bit more did a little bit better just an inch just a fraction of an inch is all I needed to give I know ladies and gentlemen there are moments in your life you’ve experienced it too you didn’t rise up to the challenge when when it called for you you didn’t rise up to the challenge because you were afraid of me we need to understand how to deal with our negative emotions we can’t ignore them like No Regrets We Can’t wallow in them like oh my God it’s so terrible I’m such an awful person so among the misunderstandings are we think that when we experience regret it’s somehow an aberration when in fact everybody experiences regret regret makes us human regret is part of the human condition what’s more we think that regret makes us weaker when in fact the research shows that done right regret can make us stronger that we can enlist our regrets as a an engine for forward progress what’s a Winner’s mentality you ask it means being focused on yourself and not other people means having desire it means wanting it willingness to work for it you simply have to give it everything you have to get it the one thing that you must understand is [Music] and that’s it so what action do you need to commit to taking today this is for the dreamers [Music] the drivers that cannot sleep the dreams they’ll run away from us we’re running our fastest we will not be last we will meet our dreams in our Paradise we will marry our dreams we will hold them tight to our hearts and we will make them ours make them ours forever come in dreams I’m chasing [Music] so you’re better off just making decisions for fundamental reasons doing things you care about that are meaningful and that contribute and and being alert to opportunity along the way recognizing that the path is not a path it’s the opposite of a line it’s a messy three-dimensional squiggle I need to constantly remind myself I’m not yet where I want to be but I know I’ll get there [Music] thank you [Music]