faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen faith don’t make it easy faith makes it possible all you want is the strength to get through your life stop thinking worrying looking over your shoulder wondering doubting fearing hurting hoping for some easy way out grinding away yourself stop it and just do [Music] you are not responsible for the world you’re only responsible for your work so just do it [Music] you can have a life that you’re going to find acceptable without that because you need the vision and the plans to give you purpose and direction that’s where all your positive emotion comes from all your motivation is laying out plans that are worth attaining and then observing yourself moving towards them that’s the source of most positive meaning and then also without that structure you’re so lost that you’re going to be anxious and overwhelmed the true heroes and the true titans and the true masters those people are not fearless those are people who have just practiced walking into their fear and living on the razor’s edge consistently to the point where they’re comfortable amid their discomfort that’s the great opportunity for you not to avoid fear but to be comfortable in the unknown to be comfortable when you’re terrified their fears are larger than their faith [Music] it’s very important that you engage in an ongoing process to develop you spend more time on yourself than what you’ve been spending it’s very important you owe that to yourself don’t know how to say no and we find ourselves doing all kinds of things and never ever have time to do those things that we need to do to work on ourselves and then there goes a second there goes another second there goes another second and we can’t stop in whole time and before you know it you wake up one day and you’re behind on your dreams and your bills [Music] it said on the days that i feel like i’m not going to make it on the days that it feels like i can’t endure anymore i think back on my track record for surviving all my bad days and so far surviving all my bad days my track record is 100 [Music] so try the most outrageous things you can shock yourself you have at your power the ability to do anything [Music] you can take your surroundings beyond order and and and move towards beauty and that’s unbelievably useful because while beauty calls people to their higher being i would say and to make friends with beauty is to introduce yourself and introduce yourself very carefully to one of the mysteries of life that make it worth living i don’t know why you do what you do what is your motive for action what is it that drives you in your life today not 10 years ago or are you running the same pattern because i believe that the invisible force of internal drive activated is the most important thing in the world i’m here because i believe emotion is the force of life every great hero was broken out suffered the majority and what i’m suggesting to you is pain can be transformed into power with the intention to transform pain into power you see what most people do is this is why most good people lose they stumble and they fall and they become heartbroken or disappointed by life’s challenges that happens to every single one of us this is the central mantra of my life it doesn’t matter who you are today it really doesn’t so if you feel like you’re incapable of something maybe you are today so it’s not about who you are today it’s about who you want to become and the price you’re willing to pay to get there so you have to watch who’s speaking into you you’ve got to begin to monitor your mind and and you’ve got to begin to literally be proactive in programming yourself to success be not conformed to this world be it transformed by the renewing of your mind you’ve got to take responsibility to make that happen and as you begin to do that you’ll begin to see some incredible changes in your life when earl nightingale said all of us are self-made but only the successful will admit it what do you call this massive treasure that’s in every cemetery it’s called potential potential why is this called potential well potential i want to define it for you one more time potential is untapped power potential is unused ability potential is all you could be but you haven’t become yet when you have these ideas of greatness you got to go forward because it’s not going to be a right time just go just go go jump take a chance allow your heart to be broken over and over and over until it opens [Music] you