PUSH THROUGH IT – Motivational Speech

what do you do when it seems like suffering won’t stop what do you do when it feels like your pain doesn’t have a point what does it do when it feels like your weaknesses continue to worsen you’re going through a tough time maybe you are in a valley today that you’ve experienced the worst failure of your life and you are on the verge of giving up maybe you’re here today and your marriage is on the Rocks maybe you’re here today and you’re dealing with anxiety on a daily basis you know what it’s like to be in a lonely dark place you know what it’s like to want to quit you know what it’s like when the pressure’s overwhelming when people expect your best but you’re at your worst that is a moment of choice that is a moment of decision what will your response be are you going to sit back are you going to step up adversity creates the perfect moment for audacity the real challenge of growth mentally emotionally and spiritually comes when you get knocked down life’s gonna punch you right in the face life’s gonna fire you over and over again you’re going to be told you’re not good enough your faith is going to be tested your family is going to look you in the eye and say how do we got health insurance next month I don’t know but I know we’re going to make it life is hard man that’s what it’s about if you don’t work as hard as you can if you don’t sacrifice everything if you don’t get rejected and keep coming back for more if you don’t get your loyalty tested and you’re Faith tested you don’t love that thing if you bail out so if you fought through all that that’s love you even in the darkest times even when the sun is blotted out and the world is falling apart the darkness cannot extinguish your light your will no matter what is happening no matter how hard the fight is as long as you keep fighting you win only surrender is defeat only quitting is the end listen to me everybody you can’t give up you can’t give in if it was easy everybody would do it but if life’s got you down I need you to get up and prove them wrong I’m unstoppable this will not get me down you’ve got to make those kind of declarations to yourself I have never met anybody who became incredibly successful in any area of their life until they have suffered and sweated and sacrificed and kept their focus and fought through tears and trials and tests and if you have a dream and you commit to it it will come to pass you must have patience and engage in consistent action we live in the world ladies and gentlemen where people want instant gratification they want it right now no it’s simple but it’s not easy it’s a system that if you work the system it works if you work it but make no mistake about it it’s hard and you are the determining Factor the people that make it in this world look around for the circumstances that they want and if they can’t find them they create them it’s you that you must take personal responsibility to make it happen it’s hard no easy it’s not option I’ll have however what she will discover is it’s worth it now listen to me I don’t care if you sick I don’t care what you’re going through if you’re not dead he ain’t through with you yet as long as you waking up you still stay as long as you’re alive you can still get happy in your nostrilable still in the game you still can win now get your butt up it is the size of the fight here in the dog I ain’t smart I never got on A’s but I got Hearts I got will and I go take everything I want in case nobody stop me bring on the fight and I’ll match your intensity I will match your fight and you will not Outlast me what will you do with your pain will you let it break you or will you let it redefine you you’re gonna have sometimes low moments when you won’t want to get out of bed it’s just want to stay there at times you won’t want to come out the house it’s hard living life is hard it’s hard handling just the tragedies of life it’s hard when you’re working on something and and you put everything you have in it and it doesn’t work out you lose your money in other people’s money it’s hard you will go through things and while you’re going through them you can’t understand why it’s happening to you and it’s in these moments right now that so often we feel like backing down what is it that will make it worth it for you to face the rejections what is it that will make it worth it for you the brainstorm and not be intimidated and say I can do this what is it that will make it worth it for you to raise the bar on yourself and say I’ve got some more stuff in me what is it I will make it for you and you want to give up the things they’re working against you what is it have a help to get back up again the man’s character is not judged after he celebrates a victory by but but by what he does when his back is against the wall so no matter how how severe the failure you never give up you’re going to fail you’re going to make some mistakes you’ve got to fight you will have opposition things going to happen to you in life it’s called life and it’s not personal stuff’s going to happen sure you might lose comfort and sleep sure it might be frightening so what darker than night brighter the morning you will feel your way to success it doesn’t matter how many times you fail it doesn’t matter how many times people tell you that you can’t do it it doesn’t matter if you don’t have a dime in that bed the thing that’s causing you pain today actually has purpose in your life every season you can learn every season you can grow every challenge is developing you that which does not kill you will make you stronger I don’t need you thinking about it no more you’re doing too much thinking you analyze it too much you talking yourself out of it I just oh yeah I don’t know if this gonna work I tried and it didn’t work I just need you to keep moving I need you to make up in your mind that the only way you can lose is if you quit I just need you to keep going get emotional if you must cry if you must get it out but get your butt back up after you finish crying and put a time limit on the pride you say coach I need 30 minutes don’t take it but when you come back after that 31 minutes you better cry because if you don’t you’ll be stuck at that person for the rest of your life and some of you are not successful because every single time you run up against a trial every time you run up against a tribulation you stop and you cut off beast mode and what I’m here to tell you is if you tell that thing I’m here just like you here and I promise you I ain’t leaving without the degree I will not leave without that goal I will not leave without that dream I will not leave this universally until I’m successful I will not leave this job I will not leave this client I will not leave this opportunity until I get it I between two miracles those terrible events in your life and you create a new story of Triumph we gotta become something new we take those traumas we take that pain and we allow it to become