NOW IS THE TIME YOU BECOME THE HERO OF YOUR OWN STORY – Motivational Speech (powerful and deep)

my life is not everything i want it to be and perhaps it’s not everything that i need it to be and you ask yourself you sit on the bed and say okay man i’m ready to learn something like what what’s one thing i’m doing wrong that i know i’m doing wrong that i could fix that i would fix it’s like you meditate on that you’ll get an answer and it won’t be one you want but it’ll be the necessary one every single thought we have or every sentence we speak is an affirmation and it’s either positive or negative and it’s going out from us and it’s creating our experiences however when we talk about doing affirmations what we’re talking about is making definite positive statements to create something in our life or to remove something in our life i call don’t die with your music still in you [Music] all of you have some music playing and all of you have a heroic mission there’s no accidents in this universe we all show up here with a purpose there’s an intelligence that is a part of everything and everyone and all of us are connected to it and too many of us are afraid to listen to that music and march to it [Music] there is no more effective way of operating in the world than to conceptualize the highest good that you can and then strive to attain it there’s no more practical pathway to the kind of success that you could have if you actually knew what success was the world shifts itself around your aim because you’re you’re a creature that has a name you have to have a name in order to do something you’re an aiming creature you look at a point and you move towards it it’s built right into you and so you have a name well let’s say your aim is the highest possible aim well then so that sets up the world around you it organizes all of your perceptions it organizes what you see and you don’t see it organizes your emotions and your motivations after all you’ve been through and this day alone and the many days and years passed [Music] how you got here to this the choices you’ve made that have brought you to this day open your heart and quietly to yourself say the only prayer that’s ever needed thank you [Music] you’re still here and you get another chance this day to do better and be better another chance to become more of who you were created [Music] and what you were created to fulfill [Music] maybe you want to go into a relationship with someone but you’ve been afraid to but your heart says it’s the right thing to do whoever you are whatever that music is however distant it may sound however strange however weird others may interpret it to be don’t get to the end of your life and know that you’re going to leave and not have it played yet don’t die with your music still [Music] your time is limited so don’t waste it living someone else’s life don’t be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other people’s thinking don’t let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice [Music] don’t underestimate the hole your absence would leave each of us were remarkable creatures and we have something to offer to the world to our people we love to the world at large it’s our responsibility to make that manifest and we move a little farther away from paradise every time that doesn’t happen and most important have the courage to follow your heart and intuition they somehow already know what you truly want to become everything else is secondary [Music] you are ready and able to do beautiful things in this world you will only ever have two choices love or fear choose love and don’t ever let fear turn you against your playful heart [Music] when you’re in that place where you’re acting in the proper manner and you’re facing things courageously and you’re speaking the truth you’re imbued with a sense of fundamental meaning and that meaning is the antidote to the catastrophe of life and it’s it’s the antidote psychologically because you have to have that meaning because otherwise your life is too dark and too dreadful and it will corrupt you we’re not nothing us human beings no they say that we’re made in the image of god it means at least in part to participate in the process of bringing the good into being and we can all do that and the opposite and if we accept our responsibility to ourselves and to other people and to our communities and we lift that load up then we live lives that are meaningful [Music] [Music] you