IT’S NOT GOING TO BE EASY – Motivational Speech

some of you just don’t understand some of you’ve been average for so damn long you don’t know what it is to do hard work but there’s a lot of you out there who want to be much more than average but just don’t know how to do it every single day the grind he defies the one that oil those gears up so check it out this is a mindset maybe it’s true maybe it’s not but there’s a you’re out there who wants what you have who wants the position you are who wants the job you have there’s someone out there hungry unless everything can have maybe it’s true maybe it’s not but if it is it’s gonna be your ass so make that a motivation for you no matter what you face no matter how bad it is going to be when there is a challenge any challenge anything that you’re facing the only way to overcome the challenges that you face is to start walking but when you look at the the road to winning [Applause] [Music] people look at you and they’re like you’re a success all right but your road has so many more steps those steps are infinite sometimes you get to see them sometimes you don’t sometimes they’re there other times they’re wobbly you don’t know if that next step is going to be there but you have enough belief in yourself to say i’m going to take that i’m going to take that step i may miss the step i may fall i may get i may get scraped but i know there’s another step i know it i believe inside me that there’s another step that i have to take [Music] as you look at your goals and dreams every day we must convince ourselves we must sell ourselves on that it’s possible every seminar every workshop every book that i’ve ever read every speaker that i’ve ever heard it interrupted what i was believing about myself everything that you do everything matters as you go through each day looking at my life everything matters t harv is right how you do anything is how you do everything [Music] i became obsessed [Music] i became obsessed with being the best that god ever created am i that i don’t care i believe it and i was trying to tell him once you become obsessed with something obsessed it’s okay to be unbalanced for a while it’s okay don’t be all this stuff people say you got to be balanced to be the best in the world at what you do the best at what you do you have to be unbalanced to find every bit of energy and strength that you have to pull it off then you get balanced once you become great so why because our obsessions become our possessions you’ve heard this before but if you really begin to think about what you think about on a regular basis most of you are thinking about what you’re worried about you’re afraid of what you’re concerned or anxious about and you don’t take control of your thoughts you don’t take control about what you’re putting in your mind see most people want it easy see if you easy come easy what easy go and i’m saying to you whatever you got to do do it because if you don’t life is going to whoop you until you surrender [Music] take that step every day no matter what you are facing get up and start walking every time you lose what do you gain from it so every time i’ve lost people say you got to jump right back up you know get back right on your feet again and i disagree with that after you lose for when you get knocked out stay down there for a minute understand why you lost what were the reasons why are you down here why did you lose why did you get knocked down because if you just jump right back up though you’re gonna lose again and again and you’re continually gonna lose the same way why are you so dead going crazy because i’m trying to be the best i can to give you the best that i am and it takes being [ __ ] obsessed to where people think you’re crazy [Music] it’s necessary as you look at your goals and your dreams it’s necessary that you have a strategy and a game plan to change the story that you believe about yourself and that’s an ongoing process i’ve discovered and many people have that what we do what we accomplish what we produce is a result of the story we believe about ourselves because things are going to happen to you i believe that the reason that most people go to their graves where their talents and abilities and skills in them is because of the fact number one many are like me they didn’t know that they didn’t know and thought they knew i thought i knew myself and i really didn’t know myself as well as i thought i’ve discovered that sometimes people can take you to a place within yourself that you can’t go by yourself [Music] don’t rest in the middle rest at the end [Music] winners rest at the end [Music] [Music] you