I AM A DISCIPLINED MONSTER – Motivational Speech

you should be a monster [Music] you know because everyone says well you should be harmless virtuous you shouldn’t do anyone any harm you should sheath your competitive instinct you shouldn’t try to win you don’t want to be too aggressive you don’t want to be too assertive you want to take a back seat and all of that it’s like wrong you should be a monster an absolute monster and then you should learn how to control it it’s better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war it’s like is there something wrong with being competitive there’s nothing wrong with it there’s something wrong with cheating there’s something wrong with being a tyrant there’s something wrong with winning unfairly all of those things are bad but you don’t want people to win what’s the difference between trying to win and striving to all failure is psychological this failure this upset this this catastrophe if you aren’t dead then it’s just psychological [Music] now this does not mean that you won’t lose some battles because you will we all will every transformation always gets worse before it gets better it’s supposed to be that way it’s not an easy path it’s not for the ill-hearted or the weak natured it’s for the strong people and before you embark on this journey mentally you have to prepare yourself for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no one’s going to get worse before it gets better [Music] when you mark this journey you must know that it’s going to go down before it comes up but when it comes up it’s gonna go so much higher than you’ve ever been sacrificing today for tomorrow’s betterment unless you’re dead you are not defeated and you have not failed what you’ve done is you’ve learned you’ve gained experience and you’re still alive and you have memories to make so get up and go get after it as long as you don’t surrender as long as you don’t give up as long as you don’t quit then you haven’t failed i mean it’s time to stop now it’s time to move even further we’re constantly looking at life what is it what is it where are we look how interesting look at different cultures different beliefs you know how do they come to that how do i feel about that how do you know what do i think it’s it is a daily adventure you have your voice it’s there just do it do it do it do it create you know don’t let anyone stop you you will go through things and while you’re going through them you can’t understand why it’s happening to you but after you go through it you get back and you look at it and you say oh now i understand why i needed that lesson i couldn’t understand it there but after i got through it then i saw that that was preparing me for bigger and better things you have to be equipmentally to endure this process