DISCIPLINED AND DETERMINED – Motivational Speech (show ‘em what you’re made of)

for 2022 and for life think strategic know why you are doing what you are doing and then get out there every day and win those small tactical short-term battles so you can win the strategic long-term victory that puts you where you want to be and it’s not going to be easy the fight the daily fight is a challenge you will not always want to do what you need to do you will not always feel like doing something you need to do you may not want to fight that battle but you need to those times when you get up early and you work hard those times when you stay up late and you work hard those times when you don’t feel like working you’re too tired you don’t want to push yourself but you do it anyway that is actually the dream that’s the dream you’re strong enough and your life is worth whatever you have to go through whatever you have to do this dream you got whatever you want to do will it be easy to just run out there and do it no will it happen overnight no would it be a struggle yes will there be times when you can’t make ends meet yes that’s a part of it will there be times you won’t know what to do yes that’s a part of it see unforgettable has everything to do with serving at a level so high so big so massive that people feel like they have to change their lives because they crossed your path and you have to be willing to use every experience that’s ever happened in your life not as a fortress holding you from using your voice but as the fuel on why you will use your voice you got to be willing to not stand in your story but stand on your story the only belief that you need to have that thing that is going to allow you to take that first step burn the following statement into your soul humans are the ultimate adaptation machine [Music] ask yourself this question what i am doing what i am about to do is it going to help me get where i am going is this action going to make me stronger or weaker your brain is the only thing you have when you’re going through depression when you’re going through hard times you’re going through death real life you’re alone but there’s 24 hours in the day where you’re alone in this brain and your brain is talking to you in all kinds of ways and it wants to control you and pull you in these different pockets if you can’t control your own brain and your brain controls you [Music] see when you begin to understand and acknowledge your fear and you go forth anyhow you go forth in a spirit and a knowing that there’s a way that you can begin to handle this there’s a way out here somewhere there’s a solution what it is that you’re seeking that you have the capacity to whatever comes up to handle it to face it [Music] and rather than feeling powerless you begin to feel powerful always something you can do differently and once you understand that you can always make a different choice and get a different reaction and that’s the power in your life that’s the power that you have [Music] that’s why people never achieve their strategic goals they lose the little tactical battles the death of a thousand cuts all adds up why because we don’t think about the big picture one degree at a time one degree closer to death one degree closer to failure you have a why you can survive almost anyhow that living your dream changing your behaviors overcoming negative habits it’s challenging it’s hard that living alone is just very difficult and once we begin to come to grips with the fact that living is difficult life is very challenging you are the star of your show you are the director you’re writing the script and you will determine whether your life is a smash office hit or flop [Music] [Music] discipline is rooted in the truth we tell ourselves and discipline delivers long-term strategic success [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you