DEVELOP UNSHAKABLE MIND – The Ultimate Stoic Quotes Compilation

I’m sure we’ve all faced uncertain times when we have a feel like giving up or we don’t know which direction to take so the following is a collection of quotes that I think will help guide you through these times and get you out on the other end you have power over your mind not outside events realize this and you will find strength you’ll amplify everything you react to be present Above All Else foreign don’t sabotage the long term for temporary comfort and pleasure don’t burn down the hut for heat tomorrow you’ll be colder and without a hut growth and comfort do not coexist [Music] discomfort is a wise teacher life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats the more time you spend in your discomfort Zone the more your comfort zone will expand [Music] you’ll never improve as a person if you never admit that you have flaws there is strength in admitting that you may be the problem there is strength in eliminating and working on your weaknesses looking at your faults and imperfection is the first step to becoming stronger and better don’t be held back by your own ignorance true stoics don’t care about the outcome they just care to give their best shot right here right now The Fragile wants Tranquility the anti-fragile grows from disorder and the robust doesn’t care too much [Music] foreign this is the mark of perfection of character to spend each day as if it were your last without frenzy laziness or any pretending remember that your perception of the world is a reflection of your state of consciousness [Music] life isn’t always about doing the things we like to do it’s about doing things we have to do ignorance is the cause of fear assume life will be really tough and then ask if you can handle it if the answer is yes you’ve won Amar Fati love your fate which is in fact your life live your life like you’re the hero in your movie [Music] you are not the words that people speak the thoughts that they conjure or the evil they spread you are you you’re your actions you are not defined by what other people say about you what others say is usually a reflection of themselves don’t allow people to diminish your self-worth with their words it is not your responsibility to meet their criteria or their standards set aside a certain number of days during which you shall be content with the scantiest and cheapest fare with coarse and rough dress saying to yourself the while is this the condition that I feared foreign [Music] first see clearly next ACT correctly finally endure and accept the world as it is [Music] man’s character is his fate don’t let your fears paralyze you into becoming a lesser version of yourself eliminate fear by confronting what you’re afraid of [Music] here is a rule to remember in future when anything tempts you to feel bitter not this is Misfortune but to bear this worthily is good fortune [Music] human beings want control and certainty accepting faith means the opposite that’s why it seems absurd to us everywhere at each moment you have the option to accept this event with humility to treat this person as he should be treated to approach this thought with care so nothing irrational Creeps in [Music] I’m not asking you to be Fearless I’m asking you to be courageous [Music] [Music] everything can be taken from a man but one thing the last of the human freedoms to choose one’s own attitude in any given set of circumstances to choose One’s Own Way it is not daily increase but daily decrease hack away the unessential the closer to the source the less wastage there is the art of Being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook [Music] when you arise in the morning think of what a privilege it is to be alive to think to enjoy to love focus on the moment not the monsters that may or may not be up ahead repeated failure will toughen your spirit and show you with absolute Clarity how things must be done [Music] when you transform your mind everything you experience is transformed [Music] learn to fail with pride and do so fast and cleanly maximize trial and error by mastering the error part [Music] withstander setbacks and failures the days of drudgery and the hard work that are always part of any creative action if anyone can refute me show me I’m making a mistake or looking at things with the wrong perspective I’ll gladly change it’s the truth I’m after become your own worst critic see your work as if Through The Eyes of others [Music] understand the critic doesn’t disturb you it disturbs your ego you want to know the truth your ego is scared of it fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth foreign best teachers heartbreak empty pocket failures show people don’t tell people [Music] [Music] be tolerant with others and strict with yourself [Music] foreign is always not acceptance of what is he who does not desire or fear the uncertain day or capricious fate is equal to the gods above and loftier than Mortals foreign beings worry incessantly about their social status making every device socially connected turned every device into an anxiety machine the machine becomes symbolic of the set of all people that may be judging you if hell is other people then hell is in your pocket the thicker the skin the happier the man foreign something it is best to accept it cheerfully rather than adding to one’s Misfortune by grieving over it a customer yourself to criticism [Music] [Music] can you take criticism and use it constructively [Music] you’re never given more pain than you can handle it will only hurt if you keep remembering it but a true story looks forward [Music] all cruelty Springs from weakness the best answer to anger is silence [Music] not to display anger or other emotions to be free of passion and Yet full of love we must be willing to roll the dice and lose prepare at the end of the day for none of it to work the path of least resistance is a terrible teacher [Music] all greatness comes from suffering foreign [Music] is neither intolerable or Everlasting if you bear in mind that it has its limits and if you add nothing to it in imagination [Music] change is never painful only your resistance to change is painful fear is the basis of all suffering both desire and anger are manifestations of fear fear itself is a creation of your mind it does not exist independently since it is a fabrication you don’t have to fight it just understand it understanding is the key to Freedom [Music] the cause of an event is often unclear you will feel less anxiety if you can learn to be comfortable with ambiguity live as if you died but you were resuscitated and every minute was a gift [Music] foreign it is easy to blame them it is hard to confront me the easy path is the road to ruin the hard path is a way of growth [Music] [Music] don’t argue with people nor insist on showing them truth maybe it is you who needs to change your mind even if you’re right you only incur resentment by trying to correct others [Music] zoom out in the grand scheme of th