CHANGE YOUR MIND – Motivational Speech Compilation 2024

people need to have purpose to get up they need purpose to perform but we don’t take a second to realize the purpose is always there the purpose never leaves us because the very purpose is you so if you wake up in the morning and you don’t want to do something man you don’t care enough about yourself I know there’s so many people that have the ability and just refuse to get off that couch and that’s where I gain the advantage you can write everything down if you want to be brave enough to write every one of your goals down but I’m going to tell you something life’s going to hit you in your mouth and you got to do me a huge favor your why has to be greater than that knockdown and I love it Buster Douglas got knocked out nobody ever got knocked out by Mike Tyson and ever got back up it was all almost a 10 count he was stumbling it four 3 two he one and ding ding ding Save By the Bell he goes to his Corner the whole world is like y That’s it once he comes back out that’s it Mike’s going to just hammering and exactly that Mike Tyson came out like I got him I got this kid up against the Rope listen to me many of you right now life’s got you up against the Rope you can’t give up you can’t give in listen to me if it was easy everybody would do it and if life’s got you backed up I need you to do what Buster Douglas did Buster Douglas start fighting back what messes you up is you focus on the thing that’s not happening and that causes you to get discouraged if you get wrapped up into what ain’t happening it get ugly man the one way to combat discouragement is with gratitude some days of course I’ll get tired some days I will get beat up some days I will get knocked down and drained and I will have some bad days but I will not stop to me every day is a beginning a new day a new week a new shot at life an opportunity to come out of the gate like a man possessed and attack the day without Mercy I am going to win you have to decide to live a life where excuses is not something that you’re going to do to give yourself a pass you’ve got to say I’m going to do this because it has meaning for you do what you know not what you feel and you will manifest your greatness the most important thing is to be able at any moment to sacrifice what you are for what you will become most of you won’t be successful because when you you get tired you quit I’ve never met a person who was not successful that didn’t have a great amount of self-discipline within their life uh self-discipline and being able to perform and being able to keep your life on schedule and being able to keep commitments and promises and meet deadlines is essential to success so often the easy path calls to us to be weak for that moment to break down for that moment I need you to confront you I need you to look in the mirror and tell you you are not going to do me like this no more you’re not going to keep procrastinating you’re not going to keep thinking like that I need you you’re not you’re not going to continue to sabotage me you’re not there’s things that you know you’re supposed to do as a human being things that you know are going to improve your life do those things there’s things that you know are going to make you a worse person and make your life worse don’t do those things get get up early do some kind of workout eat good foods clean your room make a list of things that you’re supposed to do in your life and then wake up in the morning and do those things and no it is not easy you’re not going to get it from anyone else but you what do you do when somebody’s not there watching you what do you do when you have to either do what it is you know you’re supposed to do or you get to take the play off cuz no one’s going to know the difference because it’s reallying easy for anybody to come to work on the days they feel like killing it and killing but what happens on the days that you don’t feel like killing it what happens on the days that you don’t feel like getting out of bed because those are theing days that are going to Define where you end up your life when you’re uncommon get ready for the criticism when you’re uncommon get ready for the opposition when you’re uncommon get ready for the common people not to understand you when you’re uncommon have uncommon ways get ready for people to try and block you and conspire against you develop the interior core where it doesn’t matter if people call you crazy one of the things limiting you from your income your impact a world class life you care too much about what people think about you everyone has an opinion why let the opinions of other people deny you from a life that will make history haters motivate me cuz when they talk it about me that means I’m doing something you see while you’re over there watching me and talking about me I’m working I’m working hard I’m taking things to the next level you keep gossiping and I’ll keep working you keep talking smack and I’ll keep working you keep focusing on everything and everyone else and I’ll keep working and when you finally look around at where you are and where I’m at you’ll realize that you have nothing left to talk smack about and you will lose and I will [Music] win discipline your body free your mind get up early and go get after it and you will become the person you want to be and you become that person through one small decision at a time losers always talk about how they hate to lose but they don’t do anything about it winners will do whatever the it takes winners will show up and stay late everying day until they’re winning winners will talk to anybody they can that can help them and take the lessons to heart and put them in play that’s what winners do you don’t stop when you tired you stop when you’re done you stop when you complete it when you execute it execution is worship greatness is in you but the problem is somebody’s got a push you the problem is somebody’s got to give you a reward somebody’s got a project the problem is you’re not self-motivated you have to stay in peace mode and so I’m looking at the clock and I’m saying technically you can go back to sleep technically But Eric Thomas if you go back to sleep you might not wake up to 3:30 you might not wake up to 4:00 and if you wake up at 4:00 Eric for 30 minutes of sleep you might be pushing your goals back a week you might be pushing your goals back a month you might be pushing your goes back an entire year by sleeping for 2 hours because you missed an opportunity every single day in a safari a lion wakes up and every single day in the Safari a gazelle wakes up if you wake up and you’re a gazelle you realize if you’re going to survive you must outrun the slowest bazer because every single day when the lion wakes up it’s only one thing on that Lion’s mind and that is catching the gazelle that couldn’t keep up in your mind you’re thinking you got to out run the fastest line that’s not the truth you just got to stay ahead of the slow gazelle that’s it whateve