Category: Landing Page

  • NEW YEAR, NEW YOU | Best Motivational Speeches For Success

    dear 2023 this year we had some highs and some lows we had our setbacks and our breakthroughs this year was many things but if I had to sum it all up it would be one word okay okay and not okay like you probably think I mean okay not okay as in average or…

  • WINNING IS THE ONLY OPTION | Best Motivational Speeches | Wake Up Positive

    rain dances work 100% of the time if you dance until it rains someone kind of jokingly said this to me recently at an entrepreneur event and I thought man right I get it it’s clever but there’s actual genius behind that you tend to get what you’re looking for if you don’t stop looking…

  • CHANGE THE WAY YOU SEE YOURSELF | Best Motivational Speeches

    no I’m not sorry sure I was ignorant back then no question but ignorance is not a crime ignorance is the foundation that we build upon you can’t be sorry for not knowing you shouldn’t be sorry for not knowing the only real tragedy is to plant a stake in the ground and call the…

  • STOP MAKING EXCUSES | Powerful Motivational Speeches | Wake Up Positive

    one of my favorite quotes is by Oscar wild he says that an idea that is not dangerous is Unworthy of being called an idea at all how perfect ideas should invigorate your soul they should excite Propel you but there’s a critical distinction in my view a fine line between ideas and identity bringing…

  • YOU HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED – Motivational Speech for Success

    the answer you’re looking for is right there in the room always now that’s certainly a bold statement and as I’ve gotten older I’ve kind of learned to avoid speaking in absolutes right nothing in life is 100% guaranteed so why am I so confident about that message everything you need is right there in…

  • PUSH YOURSELF EVERYDAY – Motivational Speech

    the other day I was on a podcast with Evan carmichel who’s a a YouTuber and entrepreneur and we were talking with Shaquille who was the host about uh the mental side of the entrepreneurial Journey how we set goals uh but also prepare ourselves for the inevitable adversity associated with growth and one question…

  • CHANGE YOUR MINDSET – Motivational Speech Compilation

    I used to think it was 100% how do I get back to 100 let’s get this fully charged no cracks or flaws and so I’d wait I’d rest I would prepare but guess what aiming for 100% is a Perpetual almost there turns out life doesn’t care much about 100% it wants to know…

  • CONTROL YOUR MIND – Motivational Speech Compilation

    the moral is to the physical as three is to one a quote attributed to Napoleon bonapart regarding his troops morale in Battle Victory starts and ends with mindset so the myth or Story Goes Napoleon had a coin and he was known prior to embarking upon particular battles to flip this coin he would…

  • GO AFTER IT – Powerful Motivational Speech

    [Music] as long as I’ve been alive there’s existed a battle between what I want in the moment and what I need and it transforms it takes different shapes but its impact is always felt and so the question remains in spite of the option to concede the temporary way out are we willing to…

  • NO EXCUSES, GET IT DONE – Powerful Motivational Speech

    the hard thing brought me through hell but also to that which exists on the other side the hard thing prompted me to question and doubt but also provided the pieces I used to build my confidence little by little it made me ask the tough questions the ones maybe I didn’t want to hear…